Junior Program

For details or if you have difficulty registering please reach out to kelly@brookstonetennis.com or call/text 864-202-1917. Member discounts available.
Tiny Tots: Ages 4-6 and Junior Development: Ages 7-12. Objective: Introduction to tennis. Learn proper technique while having fun! We use age appropriate equipment including mini nets, junior racquets and red balls for Tiny Tots. Fall and Spring Clinics culminate with a tournament in May and Junior Team Tennis matches when ready. Offered Tuesdays and/or Thursdays 4:00-5:00. $20/clinic once a week, by the month. $18/clinic twice a week, by the month. $25 to drop in if space available. 3 month package deal available for both Tuesdays and Thursdays ($15/clinic!) in spring and fall. Offered March-April-May and September-October-November. Members receive a discount.
Rising Stars: Beginner/intermediate teens and experienced juniors. Objective: Learn proper technique, rally skills and scoring. Prepare teens for high school tennis. Offered Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00-6:00. $20/clinic once a week, by the month. $18/clinic twice a week, by the month. $25 to drop in if space available. 3 month package deal available in spring and fall. Offered March-April-May and September-October-November. Members receive a discount.
Kids Competition Clinic: Tournament players by invitation. For players ready to compete on our JTT teams that demonstrate positive effort and attitude as well as sound technique, directional control, spin serves and footwork technique. Objective: Develop strategy and shot selection in point situations. Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30-6:00. $35/clinic, $30/clinic for one day/week. $27/clinic by the month. Members receive a discount.
Junior Competition Clinic: Tournament and varsity high school players by invitation. For players ready to compete on our JTT teams that demonstrate positive effort and attitude as well as sound technique, directional control, spin serves and footwork technique. Objective: Develop strategy and shot selection in point situations. Mondays - Thursdays 4:30-6:00. $35/clinic, $30/clinic for one or more days every week. $27/clinic by the month. Members receive a discount. Offered year-round, schedule adjusted in the summer.
Academy: By invitation. This is our elite group of junior players. These players are committed to the sport and train daily. They compete in tournaments regularly as well as represent Brookstone on advanced junior teams. They have demonstrated positive effort, attitude and integrity and can hit the ball with consistency, direction, spin and power on ground strokes, volleys, overheads and serves. They make decisions with regards to shot selection, patterns and strategies and have developed mental strategies to stay focused and efficient; they have developed their own style of play. Objective: Assist them in maximizing the use of their shots and compete at the highest level including high school tennis, State Championships and tournaments. Mondays - Thursdays 4:30-6:00. $35/clinic, $30/clinic for one or more days every week. $27/clinic by the month. Members receive a discount. Offered year-round, schedule adjusted in the summer.
Junior Team Tennis: $53/team. (Requires Brookstone Membership or weekly participation in our program). Offered spring and fall with State Championships in the summer and winter. Compete against other local clubs in the upstate! Ages 10u, 12u, 14u and 18u. Teams are formed by age and level: beginner, intermediate and advanced. 10u teams compete on a smaller court with orange balls, 12u intermediate teams compete with green dot balls, and 12u advanced, 14u and 18u teams compete with yellow balls. Brookstone teams have won the local league and gone to the State Championships with every age group! 18u Co-ed won the State Championships in 2021. 18u boys were State Champions and 18u Co-ed competed at Sectionals 2019. 12u advanced won State and Sectionals in 2018. 14u Co-ed competed at Nationals in Texas 2019! Junior players represent Brookstone, therefore integrity, effort and collaboration is the standard. JTT players participate in clinics to develop their skills and prepare for competition. Email kelly@brookstonetennis.com to register for a team.
Summer Training Camps: Kids Camp (starting at age 4) and Teen Camp (beginner to tournament players). $200/week. Early registration and member discounts available.