Here at the Evansville Tennis Center, we offer several membership packages, which include several perks. We offer junior, adult, family and pickleball membership at a low cost.
Members and non-members are both welcome to use our facility. Members are allowed to reserve a court one week in advance, while non-members may only book three days in advance.
Current members and players may view their profile, account, and register online here
ETC member benefits include:
- Free Walk on Court Time (Juniors Only)
- 20 % off Junior and Adult Classes
- Unlimited Access to Private Lessons
- 20% off Pro Shop items
- Multiple Child Discounts
- Permanent Court Time
- Free TennisFit (Adults Only)
- Discount Pickleball
- Monthly newsletter
- Permanent Court Time
- Discount Private Lessons (based on ranking)
- May reserve indoor courts 7 days in advance
- Team Discounts (Juniors Only)
Membership Rates:
- Adult Individual Annual (Includes Tennis and Pickleball) $450
- Adult Individual Monthly (Includes Tennis and Pickleball) $45
- Family Annual (Includes Tennis and Pickleball) $750
- Family Monthly (Includes Tennis and Pickleball) $75
- Junior Annual (Includes Tennis and Pickleball) $300
- Junior Monthly (Includles Tennis and Pickleall ) $30
Membership Rates - Pickleball Only:
- Pickleball Annual (Excludes Tennis) $300
- Pickleball Monthly (Excludes Tennis) $30