Dallas National Junior Tennis & Learning - Tennis Programs

Tennis Programs

Dallas NJTL offers a wide range of programs designed to reinforce our mission to provide opportunities to improve the mental and physical well-being of the community through education and the sport of tennis.

Click on the program subtitles below to learn more!



After School Programs

Offers tennis instruction and education enrichment afterschool at some DISD partnership elementary schools;

Fall 2024 Sessions begin August 26th. Locations coming TBD. Contact admin@dallasnjtl.org for more information.


Junior Development

Open to beginner level players. Players will receive fun tennis instruction, athletic skill development, and opportunities to practice soft skills.

Fall 2024 Sessions begin August 20th.


Junior Competitive

Open to intermediate to advanced players. Players receive robust tennis instruction, mindset coaching, and fitness/athletic training. A core component of the prorgram is learning to give back and how to be meaningful leaders in the community. Players participate in community service and DTEA sponsored leadership development activities and events. 

Fall 2024 Sessions begin September 3rd.


USTA Foundation Excellence Program

High performance players from our Junior Competitive program can be selected by DTEA Staff to participate in the Excellence Program. Players receive the opportunity to go on Excellence Trips where we meet up with other NJTL Excellence kids from across the country. Each activation can include a combination of high performance coaching, educational and tennis experiences, and fun competition. 


Junior Team Tennis

JTT is an opportunity for DTEA registered players to participate in team format competition. Depending on player registration, teams are offered for beginner to advanced level of play. 

Participants should be able to commit to 4 - 8 Sunday team matches during Fall and Spring seasons.


Summer NJTL

A 10 week introductory tennis camp for beginning players. Generally, class times will be available Monday thru Wednesday.

Summer 2025 locations and times TBD.