Dallas National Junior Tennis & Learning - Girls on the MOVE

Girls on the MOVE

Mentorship – Every participant will be a mentor or a mentee. Each role will have defined responsibilities to encourage effective communication, listening, transparency, trust, and relationship between leaders and followers.

Organization – Every participant will understand the importance of setting short term and long-term goals. There will be a strong focus on life planning. You can never start too early when it comes to determining the direction you want your life to go.

Value – Every participant will understand Branding. Making sure they have a positive image of themselves and stay vigilant on keeping high standards for themselves. It is important to understand who you are and who you are to others.

Education – This is the Key to success. Having knowledge from schoolbooks, medical professionals, financial advisory, and community leaders will help prepare our students succeed.

This Dallas Tennis and Education Academy program strives to improve the health and wellness of the girls ages 11 and up and grow their desire to be community leaders.