Tennis Nashville Inc - Hosts

Become a Meetup Host!

Hosting a Meetup

Players are encouraged to volunteer their time to help organize tennis games. Tennis Nashville will support you through the process! Hosting can be intermittent or continuous. Email your interest to

Available public tennis courts can be found via one of these links:



If you’d like to host a meetup:

  1. Attend a few tennis meetups to get a feel for your level and event organization.

  2. Reach out to event hosts to volunteer as a co-host.

  3. Find a place/time at which you’d like you organize a game.

  4. Talk with someone on the leadership team.

  5. Once your event is set-up, you are responsible for making announcements and keeping track of attendance and ensuring players follow house rules.

Tips for hosting:

  1. Attend other meetups and make friends! An event hosted by a familiar face will get more attendance.

  2. Make announcements. Remind players to verify RSVPs. Check the weather to avoid last-minute cancellations.

  3. Be consistent. Sometimes events take a while to get traction. Keep posting new events regularly and showing up. Ask friends to come. Once a critical attendance is reached, more players will be easier to come by.

  4. Ask for feedback. Get players’ feedback on format, timing etc. The easier it is for players to enjoy the game, the more players will want to attend.

  5. Be courteous. Please be welcoming to regular and new players. Sometimes, new players will show up to events above/below their level. Please provide them with guidance and point them in the direction of appropriate events.