NE Texas Coalition Ta - Minutes December 12, 2024 AGM

Minutes December 12, 2024 AGM

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NE TX CTA Annual General Meeting December 12, 2024 Minutes 
(Modified December 13, 2024) 

​Present might be: Clay H, Jill H, Glenda H, Judy, H, Edward K, Becky M, Kim P, Melinda R, Melissa W

*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>

  1. 5:30 pm Meeting called to order
  2. Presentation from Friends of Faulkner (see more details in #9 below)
  3. 6:36 Treasurer's report and financial review <HL> Actuals through 2022  + budget)
  4. Board of Directors confirmed as James D., Meg R., Chris S.
    1. Officers for 2025 to be presented to board: Pres:  Clay H., VPres: Jill H., Secretary: Melinda R. Community: Melissa W., Treasurer Kim Parks 
    2. Official addresses will be 410 W Cumberland Dr. Tyler TX 75703 and
      mailing: PO Box 3064 Flint TX 75762 
  5. Approve all informal votes since last meeting like: 7/20 approve repairing ball machine at Faulkner (control panel not responding (10/16 $536.78)) 7/24 approve Net Checkers to captains, 7/26 approve order 300 More Bag Tags, 8/16 renew domain registrations for  @ $15/each / year = $45, 9/5 jacket for Judy 9/11 $500 to Ivey team for Nationals 9/16 67 NETXCTA jackets from Merch media for $2,603 ($38.85 per jacket) 9/25 $500 to Madding team 10/12 $2,500 for Captain's party 12/3 renew insurance $800
  6. Review MOU from 2024 Comprehensive grant  and as preparation for applying for 2025 comprehensive grant (<HL> MOU award letter) Incentives for Leagues: $2,000, WTA ATP Kids attendance: $2,000, Discounted Lessons: $3,400 + bonus $500. (Edward and Mel will complete EOY report for 2024 Grant )
  7. TCTA Annual General Meeting 
  8. Some Trainings attended by officers since last meeting
    1. 8/7 CTA coffee hour - USTA-TX would like us to have an Advocacy Specialist and there are grants for Tennis Industry events and Adult Red Ball pilot programs (See all topics and links here
    2. 8/13 CTA Learning: Fundraising is so much easier than you Think. 
      Tell a Story that relates to THEIR Priorities 
      Building a Culture of Storytelling in your oganization require one important thing: PRACTICE
      Joan Garry, Founder The Nonprofit Leadership Lab
    3. 8/22 - 8/25 CTA Leadership Development Program
    4. 9/4, 10/2, 11/6, 12/4 attend CTA Coffee hours:  Mel and/or Edward 
  9. other news:
    1. 9/18 Phone call with Becky M. re Faulkner Park. We, NETXCTA & TCTA are with her. (2) strongly suggested she talk to Katy re Venue Service and P&R advocacy.
    2. <HL> Download Becky's "Faulkner Letter"   or <HL>  see the contents here 
    3. 9/19 Talk with Glenda Hinsley who Becky has recruited for grant writing. They are meeting next week with head of P&R.
    4. 10/4 Glenda reported back on their meeting with Leanne Robinette, P&R Sr. Mgr. Leanne said, "Let's engage USTA Venue and USTA P&R advocacy.".
    5. 10/15 Friends of Faulkner files "Maintenance" inquiry with USTA Tennis venue Services see:
    6. 12/5 Both Faulkner TVS applications sent. 1st one passes engineering, eligible for funding
  10. 7:16 Meeting adjourned and next meeting TBA