USTA League Tennis
USTA League Play
Registration is open!
2024 Combo League Season
Initial roster deadline is quickly approaching July 22!! Remember it’s just an initial deadline of the 6 required to be registered on a team.
Please contact me Cindy Perry your Local League Coordinator at for more information. Please remember Captains CANNOT decide on their day of play but must discuss dates with your LLC.
If you’re going to Captain a team you should contact your LLC prior to registration so she can discuss information on facilities and dates and times with you. 2522023458.
Dates and Times are tentatively set.
Albemarle USTA Season will tentatively begin with a staggering schedule depending on age division and number of teams registered for play. Season play dates are also determined by State and National Deadlines for reporting winners and State Competition dates.
USTA Spring League will allow you to play team competition against players of similar skill levels. Albemarle area spring leagues consist of singles and doubles play. Leagues in our area (Albemarle) normally range from 2.5 to 4.0 NTRP levels. Your play during the spring season determines your NTRP rating for the following year.
If you are a 4.5 player or higher and are Interested in joining a team please contact Cindy Perry at for options for play.
🎉USTA Membership is a requirement to play in USTA League. To join visit: USTA
Age Groups Offered
All players must be at least 18 to play on an adult league at the time of registration. A player may play in multiple age groups as long as he/she will turn the minimum age during the calendar year.
- 18 & over (at the time of registration)
- 40 & over
- 55 & over
- 65 & over
Age Division Formats
- 18 & over: 2 Singles and 3 Doubles (2..5, 1 Singles & 2 Doubles)
- 40 & over: 1 Singles and 3 Doubles
- 55 & over: 3 Doubles
- 65 & over: 3 Doubles
- 70 & over: Please contact Cindy Perry (LLC) at
NTRP Ratings Information
To determine a player’s level the Adult USTA teams use NTRP ratings.
- Don’t know what your rating? Visit Tennislink to understand ratings.
- If you don’t have a rating, please click the “Self Rate” button when on Tennislink and answer the questions. Your rating will be generated immediately.
Teams will compete locally to progress to state, sectional, and national championships. Players may register for teams at their NTRP level or one level higher. Example: a player ranked 3.5 may play on a 4.0 team, but may not play on a 3.0 team.
Note: Players may only play on one team per NTRP and age level. For instance, a 55 & Over, 3.0 woman may play on a 3.0 weekday or weekend team but not both. She may additionally play on a 40 & Over, 3.0 team, if she is old enough.
Players needing teams or Captains needing players please email Cindy Perry, Albemarle Local League Coordinator at:
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