Outer Banks Tennis Association Inc - Membership - OBXTA


The Outer Banks Tennis Association (OBXTA) is committed to the development of recreational tennis. It is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing opportunities for everyone involved in the sport of tennis for both physical and educational purposes. The OBXTA strives to make a positive impact in our community through tennis.

If you are interested in promoting a lifetime sport, expanding educational opportunities for all ages, exposing new players to tennis, and creating greater depth in our Outer Banks tennis community, please join the Outer Banks Tennis Association. Membership options are listed below.

All contributions to the Outer Banks Tennis Association are tax deductible.

If you prefer to pay for membership by check, mail a check payable to Outer Banks Tennis Association to P.O. Box 1665, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949. In the envelope, make sure to include your name, address, email address, and phone number.


Adult Membership

12 months membership

12 months membership

$25.00 in full

Join now

Business Membership

12 months membership

Outer Banks Tennis Association business membership

$150.00 in full

Join now

Family Membership

12 months membership

12 month Membership

$30.00 in full

Join now

Student Membership

12 months membership

Student Membership

$15.00 in full

Join now