Jackson Hole Community Tennis - Teton County Tennis

Teton County Community Tennis Association Working to make tennis accessible to everyone in the Teton County area.

Tennis can and should be both affordable and available year-round in Jackson!

Thank you for all who gave through Old Bill's this year!

See the Events Calendar tab to join in our organized tennis activities.

Spring/Summer Tennis Information Night:

More information and Register HERE

The TCCTA mission is to provide greater access to community tennis programs for both youth and adults and to develop a year-round, affordable, indoor tennis facility.

Simply stated, we believe that tennis can and should be both affordable and available year-round in Jackson!

We will stay the course until our vision is completed! 

On behalf of the board of the Teton County Community Tennis Association and all of us tennis players in Jackson, we THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

About Us

The Teton County Community Tennis Association was formed to provide more recreational opportunities and access to racquet sports for community members of all ages and abilities in the greater Jackson, Wyoming, area through development of year-round, affordable, indoor courts & programs.


Spring/Summer Tennis Information Night:

More information and Register HERE


Support the Campaign for the Courts
Our with first steps towards this goal is to identify feasible locations, community partners and fundraising to build covered courts.  

Sign the petition to support this community project.

Tennis is a lifelong gift that everyone deserves. Thank you for helping us move towards that goal.

Latest news

Jackson locals have the attention of the U.S. Tennis Association.

Parks and Rec youth tennis coach Diane McGee, the U.S. Tennis Association’s Intermountain Volunteer of the Year this year, is hoping to leverage a sur...

May 3, 2024 Please join us for a FREE Recreational Play Opportunity! Round Robin for Teens (14+) and Adults Reservations required online in advance.

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Our Partners

USTA Wyoming
Teton County Parks & Recreation
United States Tennis Association