Great River Tennis Association - Tennis Lessons

Tennis Lessons

Young Beginner Players, Age 5-7:

Emphasis is on creating a Fun Playtime Atmosphere. We'll do this by exploring and learning the fundamentals of athletic movement, learning the parts of the court and scoring, and developing the most common tennis stoke; the groundstroke. The tennis serve will also be introduced.


Beginner Players, Age 8-10:

Emphasis is on creating a Fun Atmosphere. We'll do this by practicing the fundamentals of athletic movement, playing tennis games and keeping score, and developing the groundstroke and volley. Much time will be devoted to learning the tennis serve as well.


Pre-teen/Intermediate Players, Age 11-13:

Emphasis is on creating a Fun and Positive Atmosphere. We'll do this by practicing the fundamentals of athletic movement through proper footwork and learning it’s importance. Tennis strategies will be implemented during tennis games and scorekeeping. Further development of the tennis serve will be done. The all important groundstroke, volley, and overhead shots will be introduced as the student progresses.


Teenage/Advanced Players, Age 14-Adult:

Emphasis is on creating a Fun and Positive Atmosphere. We'll do this by practicing the fundamentals of tennis footwork, groundstrokes, volley's, overheads, & other specialty shots. Much time will be devoted to the tennis serve. Actual tennis play with scorekeeping will be an important aspect of this workshop. Other topics will include: mental aspect of tennis, sportsmanship, Golden Rule of Tennis, emotional control, tennis strategy, & respect for your opponent.


2024 Lesson Pricing:

Private 1:1 lesson is $50 per hour.

Semi-Private 1:2 lesson is $25 per hour per person.

Group Lessons with minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 people is $20 per hour per person.  For the GRTA Group Lesson Rate, please see that tab above.  

For special family rates, please submit a Contact Us form.