Clarksville Tennis Association - Clarksville USTA Memberships

Clarksville Tennis Association Membership

The CTA Membership is required to play in CTA leagues and some sponsored events.  Another recently-added advantage of CTA membership is that CTA members may use the tennis courts at Austin Peay for no charge and may purchase Foy Center membership at a discounted rate.  Foy Center membership entitles you to use all of their facilities, including the pool.  

Note change in membership policy - Although we still encourage you to join USTA also and support their programs, CTA membership will no longer be "complimentary" with USTA membership.

COST:   $10 / year

To pay your 2024 CTA membership, click on the appropriate button below.  If you get an incorrect message that you are "already a member," you may have to sign in on the web site, then instead of "Join Now," the button may say "Renew Now."  By clicking that button, you should be able to pay the 2024 CTA membership.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  We are trying to correct this problem.




2025 Adult membership

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025

2025 membership is required for league play, as well as select events

$10.00 in full

Join now

2025 Junior membership

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025

Membership required for league play and select vents

$10.00 in full

Join now