San Francisco Tennis Match Play & Rally - San Francisco Tennis Rally + Match Play – Find People To Play

San Francisco Tennis Rally + Match Play – Find People To Play San Francisco Tennis Rally + Match Play – Find People To Play


The San Francisco tennis Rally + Match Play group was created by Tony Tam to connect tennis players in the San Francisco area to find players to play competitive matches or just rallying.

If you want to participate in a league play with other NTRT 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 players:

  1. Join the $25/$5 annual membership and
  2. Start here to join a league with one of the $10 leagues that matches your NTRP level

The payment covers the cost of running the website, and the time the organizer spends maintaining a healthy community and also incentivizes the players to show up and participate.

If you only want to play with less structure and pressure, you can join our Slack channel with instructions at


Q: What problem is this group trying to solve given there are so many other SF based websites out there? (FB, flex leagues, UTR,, special interest groups)

A: The problem I’m trying to address is for the tennis player who plays 3-7 times a week, who wants to play with players of known UTRP or UTR ratings for competitive play and might even make some casual tennis friends along the way.

  • The paid leagues are way too expensive, $35 / 3 months and it’s not tied to USTA or UTR
  • UTR - $20-$32 entry fee/month - very expensive and once you get your UTR rating, is there a reason to go back?  (maybe there is). 
  • The common complaint is that it takes a very long time to get rated.  
  • For both of the above, I suspect it’s not enduring - people try it for 2 months and leave.  (I could be wrong)
  • The SF Facebook group with 4,000 players - it’s unorganized, but it solves the problem of a new person coming into the city and wanting to find players and may be helpful to find games to play
  • The slack channel - tries to connect people who play regularly with people of similar skills.  We started a ‘validated’ level private channel for 3.5 and 4.0 players to address people inflating their skills.  But my slack channel doesn’t offer ways for people who want to play more competitively, so I try to fill the gap by doing recommendations after playing with people
  • For other special interest groups, I paid $40, but tried to join a league and am not sure where my request went.