Saby Tennis - Tennis Lessons

Saby Antal USPTA Certified Tennis Instructor He is ready to help you to be a better tennis player


Saby Antal Certified Tennis Instructor

Saby is a certified Tennis Instructor of the USPTAUSTA NetGeneration Tennis Coach and a certified ACE Personal Trainer.  

He is from Hungary. He has been playing tennis competitively since he was 10 years old.

 He relocated from Florida in 2009, where he worked as the director of tennis at Boca Greens Country Club. 

He coached the Northwood University West Palm Beach Women's and Men's Tennis teams and traveled to various tournaments with them for 2 years.

Saby believes that tennis is a great way to exercise, socialize and have fun while learning the sport. 

Saby also plays in various leagues like :T2Tennis (level 5 singles), Ultimate Tennis  (level 6 singles) and ALTA doubles.

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Saby Antal