Social League Play
**Social League Play is NOT the same as official USTA Adult Leagues. If you are looking for USTA rated leagues, please contact NMTA League Coordinator Linda Gillam.
Not all tennis competition is for points or ratings. Social leagues usually form naturally from tennis circles in a social setting. Leagues listed here welcome more players to join in. Joining a league allows a variety of players to meet and are a wonderful way to welcome new/returning players to the sport as well as to our communities. USTA membership is not required and there is no USTA NTRP or rating required except to try to match player abilities.
Each area social league is free to create their own format or schedules and are free to administer their play to meet the needs of their community. Be it a Ladder format where players play individually and move up or down each week based on their results, or team format where multiple players are grouped together to play against another group of players, or whatever creative format you'd like.
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