Jackson Hole Community Tennis - Performance Sports Guest Speaker - Jason Kelly

Performance Sports Guest Speaker - Jason Kelly

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Please join us as we learn from Performance Athlete Coach - Jason Kelly

3 Events are FREE and reservations are required. HERE

*Lunch and Learn for Coaches: 11:30am-12:30pm

Hatch Taqueria

*Teen Athlete Talk: 4-5pm

*Adult Athlete Talk: 6-7pm

 Presbyterian Church of JH

1251 South Park Loop Rd, Jackson

Cost: FREE!

Donations accepted to support the TCCTA’s efforts for a public, indoor tennis facility.

Jason has owned and operated his facility in Denver for almost 15 years. He played and coached rugby professionally and is a former CrossFit Games Athlete. He has vast experience in coaching athletes, mums, dads, business leaders and other coaches.
Jason specializes in helping people get out of pain and to live a life without compromise. All while becoming a better person.