Glenhardie Country Club - Ladies Tennis Clinics

Ladies Tennis Clinics

Here are the ladie tennis clinics we will have this spring: 

Ladies Spring Clinics and Practices
Cost: $25/clinic 
Start and End Weeks: April 10th  -  June 9th
Format: Each clinic/practice lasts for 1.5 hours and will include drills and instruction suited for that leved.  The Beginner clinic will be more instruction while the USTA levels will focus on more strategy. 
*Note if these don’t work, feel free to schedule a private lesson.  More information available at the bottom of the page.

Times, Days and Levels


9:30-11:00 - USTA Team Practice- For Glenhardie members who are play on one of our USTA teams.  

11:00-12:30- Drills and Strategy Clinic-This clinic will focus on a different strategy every week in point play situations.  


9:30-11:00 - Cardio Tennis Clinic- this fast paced drill clinic will get players moving.  It's appropriate for all members with at least clinic experience.  

11:00-12:30- Beginner Clinic- Players who are looking to get into tennis or maybe have just had a clinic here or there.  This clinic will go over fundamentals of strokes and the game.


To Sign up go to:

***Please note that we require a minimum of 3 people per tournament/clinic/camp session.  Anything less is subject to being cancelled.***