Membership Application
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (for those who wish to print and mail in an application). You can always pay dues online.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of GKTA. Your membership entitles you to participate in USTA and Interclub leagues and supports many junior and adult programs in the Greater Knoxville Area. We are pleased to welcome you as a member.
Annual membership dues for 2023 are $20. Please make your check payable to GKTA. Include the following information and mail to:
GKTA, PO Box 32421, Knoxville, TN 37930-2421
Name ____________________________________________
Street Address _______________________________________
City, State, Zip_______________________________________
Home Telephone Number ______________________________
Work Telephone Number ______________________________
Cell Telephone Number _______________________________
Email Address _______________________________________
Male _____ Female ______Date of Birth: ____________
Want to Volunteer?
Area of Interest ________________________________