Friends of Ellington Tennis Inc - Programming


Working with the Town of Ellington Recreation Department, the Friends of Ellington Tennis provide adult and kids tennis clinics year-round including everything from introductory clinics for both adults and kids to summer Cardio Tennis programs for adults (Whether you are new to tennis or play at a very high level, you will get an amazing workout, make new friends, and improve your play in an enjoyable class.), to summer adult social tennis (Enjoy your Thursday night on the court for a couple hours of doubles or singles play and then wrap it up talking about your night's play and all else with your new friends while having a treat), and to our summer USTA Junior Team Tennis (JTT) program which has been recognized as one of the best in the Northeast, both on and off the court, based on our number of participants, additional play opportunities we offer, and our annual trip to Cape Cod for a weekend of competitive tennis, beach, mini golf, and great bonding for the kids.

Our adult programs are offered for those 18 and older. Our kids clinics are available for those 4 and older, and our JTT program typically has 18 and Under, 14 and Under, and 10 and Under teams which play in Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut.

Our coaches also serve as the Ellington High School Boys and Girls Tennis Team coaches. Additionally, in the schools, we provide an autumn middle school tennis playing opportunity with weekly lessons/practices and a series of matches against nearby middle school communities. 

Summer Programs

All programs typically start the week of June 28th and continue to the week of August 9th.

For detailed program listings and schedules, please refer to the Town of Ellington Recreation Department Web Site: