Emilio Sanchez Academy Florida - WEEKLY HOLIDAY CAMPS


Take advantage of your Spring, Fall and Winter break. Come to Academia Sánchez-Casal to live the ASC Experience and take your tennis to the next level.

The Weekly Holiday Camp combines High Performance Tennis Training, which includes technical exercises, tactical strategy and competition, with specific physical training and mental training. The Weekly Holiday Camp Program during Spring and Fall also includes daily language classes in either Spanish or in English.

Players from 8 to 23 years of age are welcome to enjoy this program.


  • ASC 360 Performance System©: You will train under the same method as our annual players, receiving high performance tennis with a special emphasis on physical conditioning. Our system is suitable for all types of players, regardless of age, physical fitness, or tennis experience.
  • Improve Language Skills: The Spring and Fall Holiday Camps include add-on language classes, with a choice of English or Spanish classes. Classes take place at ES International School, an American school located inside the ASC campus, and are taught by native teachers.
  • Tournaments: For stays longer than one week, players have the opportunity to participate in local tournaments, as well as national, or even international events that are being held during their stay.
  • Leisure activities: We offer recreational activities inside and outside of the Sánchez-Casal campus, with the objective of integrating students from different countries and making them feel at home.
  • Supervisory staff: Our team of supervisors takes care of the players and are responsible for their safety and welfare at the Academy.


  • The ASC environment is a safe, secure, and peaceful setting. The Academy is located within a gated facility.
  • team of supervisors cares for ASC students: The supervisors live on campus and are responsible for the safety and welfare of the players.
  • The Academy offers Accommodation adapted to the needs of each player. They can live in on-campus apartments with 2 to 3 players per room. Each apartment is supervised by a coach who resides in a separate room.
  • Health insurance and physiotherapy services: It is a requirement when registering, that all students in any program provide proof of a valid health insurance plan for the period of enrollment. In the absence of coverage, the Academy can provide daily, weekly and annual insurance plans through United Health Care. The Physiotherapy Department is also available during your stay (upon request).
  • Private tennis, fitness and mental classes can be scheduled.
  • ASC offers airport transfer services and UM services. For pricing info, please inquire within the Admissions Department.
  • Laundry service is included in the boarding program. Banking services are available. A pro-shop is located on site.
  • And…players have the opportunity to train on court with Emilio Sánchez Vicario (Naples) and Sergio Casal (Barcelona).


  • A personalized program is created to include local, regional, national, and international tournaments throughout the year (The academy also hosts several international tournaments throughout the year).
  • Assistance from our coaches of the Travelling Team is offered during all these tournaments.
  • Available for stays of more than one week.