Downingtown West High School - Prospective Players

Prospective Players

We will have an informational meeting after school at the Downingtown West Tennis courts on Wednesday, May 29th.

Players looking to come out for the team in the fall of 2024.  Please see below for all information:

- All Phyiscals will be due by August 5th
- All families must create an account with Family ID;
- Link can also be found on our home page- 
- Once families create an account, they will be able to enter information into the system to register their student-athlete for your sport
- Any student-athlete that does not have a completed registration on file, can NOT participate (practices or competitions) 
- The PIAA form must be completed by the doctor and uploaded to their individual file. 
- If done by your physician, the actual physical has to be dated AFTER June 1st, 2024

Activity Fees
- There is a $75 activity fee associated with playing girls tennis in the fall.  This must be paid through Pay Schools Central.  

West Tennis Basics
- We have players that play in varsity matches and others that play in junior varsity matches, but for the most part, we are ONE TEAM when we practice and have matches.
- Where a player plays in the lineup is based on our Ladder, which ranks players according to strength.  We are required to have a ladder by our league and the PIAA. 
- 11 of our players play in the varsity match, which is 3 singles and 4 doubles.  The top 3 players typically play singles and the next 8 play doubles.  Everybody else would then play in JV matches. 
- We play in the Ches-Mont League in the National Division.  We have Ches-Mont Division matches (D East, WC Henderson, WC East, Bishop Shanhan, Avon Grove, Coatesville).  We have cross-divisional matches (Great Valley, Unionville, WC Rustin, Oxford, Sun Valley, Kennett).  Finally we have non-league matches (CB East, Garnet Valley, etc.). 

Tryout Expectations
- Tryouts will be held the first few days of our practices, beginning August 12th at the Downingtown West tennis courts.
- Tryouts may take between 2 and 4 days depending on who shows up. 
- In order to make the team, new players should be able to exhibit sound tennis strokes, footwork, and follow-through, recognize and exhibit proper tennis grips, uderstand how to keep score and be able to demonstrate this.  They should demonstrate previous playing experience. Players should know how to play.  This is a tennis team, not a tennis class.
- Just because you were on the team in a previous year, does not mean you automatically make it this year.  Returning players should show that they have worked on their game in the offseason through clinic, team, or lesson play.  Practicing with a partner may help too as long as it’s with a purpose.
- You make the team not only based on your ability, but on your attitude, commitment and behavior.  If any of the latter 3 changes at any point during the season, you may be asked to leave the team.
- The number of people that make the team will depend on who meets the above criteria.

- We are not in school for the first 2 weeks of our season..  For the first week of practice, we will have 3 days a week of practice in the morning from 9:00-12:00 and on 2 of the days, we will have practice from 10am-3pm with a break in between. 
- Practices during the first week will mainly consist of match play for challenge matches, practice matches, etc.  It’s important that players be available for both morning and afternoon.
- When we are in school, practices are generally every day after school that we don’t have matches until around 5pm.  This could be a little earlier or a little later than 5pm depending on the schedule of the day.
- Practices are mandatory.  The only exception would be if you are out of school that day or you have an academic conflict. 
- Practices will run as long as our season lasts.  This should be for most people until mid October. 
- You are expected to be picked up from practice within 10 minutes after practices end.

- Home matches are after school until as long as the match lasts.  Varsity matches go out first, followed by junior varsity.  All players must stay until all matches are complete.  We usually have a 6pm cutoff time if matches aren’t done by then.
- Not all JV players will play in every match.  Some teams have more players than us but most have fairly less.  It all depends on how deep their ladder and our ladder is and how quickly the matches are played.
- We have 6 to 8 away matches this year.  You will be let out early for these matches and MUST ride the bus there.  Players need to ride the bus home too.  The only exception would be if a player has a reasonable conflict and the player sends in a note from a parent or guardian.
- Our last regular season match is scheduled for September 29th.  However, this may be extended due to weather and there will most likely be playoffs afterewards. 

Singles/Doubles Ladder
- Players wanting to play singles should let coaches know by the first day of practice.  Please keep in mind only the top 3 players on the team play singles.  Singles players are expected to be the fittest players on the team and will have to work the hardest in practice and during matches (more running, sprints, etc.).  We will also need a singles ladder regardless of if we have our top 3 players or not because there will be times when some singles players are out.  So if you have any interest at all in singles, you need to let us know.  A singles ladder will be determined by competition.
- All those that are not playing singles will play doubles.  Their spot in the lineup each match will be determined by a doubles ladder and how players pair with each other.
- Once we have determined our singles ladder, we will do a doubles challenge tournament to determine our doubles ladder. 
- The ladder will be the primary factor in what position you play in a match, which is based on the opening doubles challenge tournament.
- Doubles pairings are the decision of the coaches, but we do take input from our players. 
- Top 3 players play singles.  Varsity matches include 3 singles matches and then 4 doubles matches and varsity lineups will be made of 11 players.  The remaining players will play junior varsity matches.

Season Expectations and Commitment

- Attendance is the #1 characteristic for the season.  We have a 9 week regular season.  If you expect to play in matches, you must be present for practices and matches.  If you are not available for practices that is not an acceptable excuse, you may lose your spot in the lineup until coaches determine that you can return then.   The Downingtown West Girls Tennis Team should be your #1 extracurricular priority during those 9 weeks. 
- Please take a look at the schedule attached and let us know if there are any conflicts at all.   So if there are college visits, doctors appointments or any vacations, please have them occur before or after our season.
- Varsity Commitment stretches until the varsity team and individual playoffs are over.  If you plan to be on varsity, you are expected to attend League Singles, League Doubles, and District and State Team Competition.  This includes everybody from 1st Singles through 4th Doubles.  3rd and 4th doubles does NOT play in the District Team Tournament but those players are expected to travel with us.  We only take 8 players to the Ches-Mont Doubles Tournament, but the other varsity players should be prepared to play as well.
- Junior Varsity Commitment stretches until the regular JV season is over AND the Junior Varsity Tournament.  All JV players are expected to be available for the JV Tournament.  Please plan accordingly.

Season Schedule- Please see above for match and practice schedules

Summer Activities
- All players should keep active this summer in whatever way they can.
- Competitive Tennis- these will hopefully be available through USTA in the form of tournaments and team tennis.  Use these to get ready for challenges and matches.
- Training Activities- There are many camps and clinics available that you can utilize this summer, whether its at a club like Tennis Addiction or through DARC.
-  Recreational Play- Call up a teammate or friend to practice, but make sure it’s with a purpose.
- Conditioning- This can be in the form of cardio or anaerobic activities.
Further Information and Interest Form

- Please fill out the information form which you can find by going here:
- Coaches will keep prospective players updated every few weeks throughout the summer on activities and reminder before tryouts begin.  Please fill out the form above so that you are on the e-mail list.