BCTA Program Descriptions
Select one or more tennis programs held in or near your town from the home page "Where to Play" section.
These five-week programs, conducted one hour per week, implement the games-based approach to teaching tennis as well as modified courts and equipment as needed, and are a fast and fun way to learn tennis and/or improve your game. Programs are available from ages 4 to 94+ and from beginner to intermediate skill levels. The programs are held outdoors from mid-April through mid-October, and indoors from mid-November through mid-March. The atmosphere is informal, with emphasis on fun, fitness, and play. Free loaner racquets are available. Program size is limited. Age categories:
- Pee Wees (recommended ages 4–6)
- Little Aces (recommended ages 7–10)
- Juniors (recommended ages 11–13)
- Teens/Adults (Beginner/Intermediate) (recommended ages 14+)
Two condensed versions of Learn, Practice & Play programs (see preceding description) offered in August and October, respectively. These programs meet for one hour twice a week for two and a half weeks (instead of one hour once a week for five weeks), with a day in the third week reserved for any weather cancellations.
Low-key, age- and skill- appropriate competition as well as team fun make this program perfect for participants who have previously been involved in BCTA’s Learn, Practice & Play programs and players on middle and high school tennis teams. This co-ed program adopts the “learn- by-playing” model common in other youth sports. A 90-minutes practice is held each week at a pre-determined site with a BCTA coach dividing the practice session into skill development drills and supervised play. Age categories:
- Little Aces (recommended ages 8–10) (36-foot court) (Red ball)
- Juniors (recommended ages 11–13 (60/78-foot courts) (Orange/Green ball)
Participants must have some basic rallying skills and the ability to try an overhand serve for first serve and underhand for second (if needed). The coach will introduce them to scoring, strategy, etc. Athletes who are uncertain about their skill level should consult their BCTA coach. Learn, Practice and Play offers play-by-learning, but it more focused on basic skill development.
Program details can be found at Core Creek Park and Doylestown Borough sites.
This program is designed to get kids ready for fall team tennis with practice twice a week for three weeks! Each practice, conducted by a BCTA Coach, includes 90 minutes of drills, supervised play, and Cardio.
The BCTA hosts the annual BCTA Jr. Classic, a Level 6 USTA-sanctioned tournament for Boys’ and Girls’ 14s, 16s, and 18s.
The 2024 event will be held July 19 andJuly 20 in 2025.
Each year, the BCTA organizes several Play Days, which are a great way to further develop and practice your tennis skills after participating in one or more of the BCTA’s Learn, Practice & Play programs. Enjoy friendly competition, group games, and other fun activities—and meet fellow tennis players from around the county!
Age categories:
Little Aces (recommended ages 7–10)
Juniors (recommended ages 11–13)
Teens/Adults (recommended ages 14 and up)

Try this activity at home or on the court to work on hand-eye coordination and control. To make it more challenging, try spreading your arms out wider or letting the ball bounce higher. Try to see how many you can get in 30 seconds.

No court to play on at home? No problem! Make your own net at home using regular items from around the house. Get creative, but make sure to ask for permission from your parent or guardian before using!

Edgies works on your grips, specifically a continental grip. Using your racquet with a continental grip, try and see how many times you can hit the ball using the outer edge of your racquet. You got this!

See if you can master this activity called, Body Volley. You bounce the ball off the racquet and then off a body part to work on coordination, hand-eye and creativity. Challenge yourself and see how many you can get!

Grab a partner and try this activity to work on hand-eye coordination, core strength and shoulder stability. You can start by passing the ball back and forth on your hands and knees. Once you have built up the strength, try moving to a full plank position. Be sure to listen to your body and take

This activity works on your ready position, contact point and swing path. We used a ladder as our net; get creative and find your own materials to create a barrier. Once you are comfortable with lobster trap, you can make it more challenging by hitting it back to your partner.

With this activity, you can play with friends or on your own to improve consistency and control. Work to bounce the ball up on your racquet, or even do a trap, to see if you can achieve ten in a row. To work on forehands, hold the racquet palm up. To work on backhands, hold the racquet palm

After you’ve had success in Hot Hands activity, try adding movement to make it more challenging. Passing tennis balls from left to right or right to left with your partner will help improve your hand-eye coordination and reaction time.

Ready to work on hand-eye coordination and reaction time? Grab a friend and try passing tennis balls from left to right, or right to left to improve your skills. Add more tennis balls to your rotation to make it more challenging.