Welcome to Bossier Ladies Tennis Our mission is to promote the growth of tennis among ladies in our community.
BLT Fall League will begin September 9-13.
Sign up by clicking here.
Who We Are
Bossier Ladies Tennis (BLT) is a community of ladies who enjoy tennis and each other and serve their community through financial donations and volunteering.
Bossier Ladies Tennis (BLT) is a social tennis league formed in 2018 to promote and grow tennis among adult ladies in the northwest Louisiana area. As a USTA member organization, BLT promotes all aspects of the USTA mission and core values. Spring and fall seasons of approximately 8 weeks include 80-100 women who play two courts of doubles each week: Mondays (2.5, 3.5 levels) and Fridays (3.0 levels). USTA guidelines are followed with the exception that games won accrue throughout the season, and winning teams are determined by total games won instead of matches or sets won. Players may play up one level with a partner who is at the higher level. End-of-season luncheons include door prizes and recognition and awards for winning teams. BLT special events include two summer Play Days and fall and Christmas mixers open to all adult ladies in the area. Many BLT players also play in SALT (Shreveport Association of Ladies Tennis) leagues, more than 80% play on USTA teams throughout the year, and many attend lessons and clinics with pros at several area facilities.
BLT is a Northwest Louisiana Community Tennis Association (NWLACTA) Community Partner and a Silver Sponsor for the annual Katy Build Charity tournament. BLT fees are used to support events throughout the year: tennis balls for play days and mixers; awards, door prizes, food for end-of-season luncheons; tournament desk supply box for local and State tournaments, junior tennis programs. “Play with a Purpose” funds generated through Play Days and mixers are donated to local non-profit agencies or Bossier Parish schools in underserved areas.
BLT volunteers give back to the tennis community: stuffing player bags for tournaments, assisting with Captain’s check-in desk, hospitality, and set-up/clean-up; providing snacks/desserts and hospitality for adult tournaments at Bossier Tennis Center and all food for the Louisiana 70 and Over Invitational tournament (using funds from player registration fees); monitoring courts for Tennis Apprentice Step-Up league; assisting with NWLACTA NJTL multi-week programs, including Volunteers of America (VOA) Lighthouse and Barksdale Air Force Base (BAFB). The NWLACTA Executive Director, Secretary and Community Coordinators participate in BLT. BLT donated $1000 to NWLACTA for a tennis scholarship for a graduating high school senior. In Fall 2024, BLT and Bossier Tennis Center will partner with a local school that is offering a school-based tennis club for grades 5 and 6.
Bossier Ladies Tennis has been nominated by NWLACTA for several Louisiana Tennis Association awards and was named the 2019 ACE award winner.
Stay Active Videos
Try this activity at home or on the court to work on hand-eye coordination and control. To make it more challenging, try spreading your arms out wider or letting the ball bounce higher. Try to see how many you can get in 30 seconds.
No court to play on at home? No problem! Make your own net at home using regular items from around the house. Get creative, but make sure to ask for permission from your parent or guardian before using!
Edgies works on your grips, specifically a continental grip. Using your racquet with a continental grip, try and see how many times you can hit the ball using the outer edge of your racquet. You got this!