NE Texas Coalition Ta - Minutes November 27, 2017

Minutes November 27, 2017

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Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Minutes of Annual General Meeting on November 27, 2017
(Modified: November 27,  2017)


Present were: Andrea B, Daryl B, Laura G, Edward K, Alex L, Meg R
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>

  1. 11:30 Meeting called to order, introductions

  2. Board of Directors appointed: Chris, Meg, Tracy

  3. Officers appointed:
    Meg-Chair, Alex-Treasurer, Edward-Secretary, Daryl-Past Chair, Deb-Vice Chair, Social Media-Vacant 

  4. Discussion of how we can support Andrea and Will in promoting and building leagues. 

    1. Contact Karen, David, possibly Kaleb to gauge their interest in being officers on NETX. Especially a social media officer.

    2. Contact Judy with regard to helping us promote leagues, how do we grow and energize our organizers, captains and participates. ($25/hr & 10 hours / month)

    3. Use USTA-TX quarterly email blast. Laura to determine how that works now

    4. USTA adult leagues were down just a bit; appears to be men. 

    5. Andrea got a "Encouraging millennials" (19-39) grant and is planning mixers to build the group

    6. Captains meeting on Dec. 11 at TASC. Andrea will organize and present information:
      We will offer 2-$50 Tennis Warehouse gift certificates as door prizes to encourage attendance.

    7. Deadlines in January are 6th: 40+league and Jan. 13: 40+mixed league

  5. Approve minutes from previous meeting

  6. 12:06 Treasurer's report and financial review <HL> Actuals through 2016 + budget

  7. JTT report. Growing. Will adequately compensated for now with per person, USTA growth bonuses, and laptop

  8. 12:14 Laura G., TSR for NETX here and ready to help. Community coordinator for our area 2000-2004

  9. 12:20 Hosting Sectionals plans: Andrea applied for three. We will know which one we get in December 

  10. TCTA Annual General meeting 

  11. New Business: Mail Received:

    1. Email 10/26 to Daryl from Karen F. re: social media officer

    2. Email 10/27 capacity grant application due December 15th

    3. Email 10/29 Jacksonville TA announced it's annual awards: John Malloy Sportsman of the Year, Linda Dominy Tennis Hall of Fame, and Fredia Melvin Sportswoman of the Year.

    4. Email 10/30 bids for 3 sectional open. Due Nov 22nd.

    5. Email 11/2 TSR is Laura Gilbert <HL> see TSR page here

  12. Next meeting is January 8, 2018 at Panera in Tyler 

  13. 12:33 Meeting Adjourned (all motions and actions were unanimous)