NE Texas Coalition Ta - Minutes June 24, 2015

Minutes June 24, 2015

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Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Board and Officers meeting minutes
June 24 , 2015 at 6:30pm
(Modified: June 25, 2015)

Present were: Andrea B, Daryl B, Todd C, Edward K, Alex L
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>

  1. 6:30 Meeting called to order, catch-up and discussion

  2. Standing Items:

    1. Review agenda & plan meeting

    2. Tennis Tip: Let's Do It Real Smart = Leg Drive Initiates Racquet Speed
      Past Tips: BLUR, Push the car, Count steps, Slam the door

    3. Approved minutes from previous meeting

    4. Treasurer's report and financial review approved as presented

    5. League reviews: USTA adult & JTT <HL> Adult Stats 

      1. suggestion that Sectionals and National pages be updated to 2015
        < HL> Sectionals were and now <HL> Nationals are (also in nav bar)

      2. Andrea brought a fridge magnet from HTA as an example of how we might promote our, NETX website.  NO action taken.

      3. JTT rules are changing from 3 boys and 3 girls required for each team back to 2. This will make it easier to make teams. 

    6. 7:05 Report from USTA YES, Youth Engagement Specialist  (trainings, happenings,

      1. USTA-TX offering to match salary for Outreach Specialist in three TX CTA's. CTA submit grant request in July. Motion carried to apply for grant and allocate $7,800.

    7. 7:53 Hosting 18+ Mixed Doubles Texas Sectionals on Oct. 2-4, 2015. Andrea will work with Tanya. Andrea usually manages a site. Volunteers might be needed. NETX also provides peanuts and bananas to each site.

    8. CDW Oct. 16-18: in San Antonio at Hyatt Hill Country

    9. Coaches & Pros Association - status, news...

    10. 1st Aces Youth Events - <HL> status news ...

    11. Recruitment of and  succession planing for officers and board
      (positions available now that could transition to Chair, Secretary, Treasurer)

      1. Communications VP - rolls and responsibilities

      2. Candidates for Adult League Coordinator Liaison

      3. Candidates for JTT Coordinator Liaison

  3. Old Business

    1. JTT Sectionals Bid status Nov. 14-15th. Midland Won. V&CB gave grant

  4. New Business

    1. Formal vote on informal action: equipment grant for Hallsville JTT passed

    2. Mail and email received:

      1. 3/6 Todd: <HL> Health Index Evaluation  NETXCTA

                         8/29/2011 3/26/2012 4/5/2013 4/10/2014 3/6/2015

        Score          5.3              7.4            7.7            9           8.9

        TX Avg.       5.2              7               8.2            8.6        8.3

      2. 3/23 Todd: CTA Update:
        < HL> Link to sign kids up for SPARK online kids network

      3. 5/3 USTA-Texas: <HL> Andrea Booth as NETX Youth Engagement Specialist

  5. Ending Items:

    1. Next meeting is Monday, August 24th.

    2. 8:20 Meeting Adjourned