Minutes May 6, 2018
Sun, May 06, 2018 12:00 AM
Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Officers Meeting minutes from Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 11:30 am
(Modified: May 9, 2018
Present were: Andrea B, Karen F, Edward K, Deb M, Meg R
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>
11:30 Meeting called to order
review adult league stats. Andrea and Edward will update page to include last 2 years.
discuss other changes to agenda standing items
11:45 Karen W. organized a Net Generation Training for Longview which will be on May 23rd.
if you are interested in attending <HL> contact Mike Carter for information -
Chis Blaire at a Longview country club is looking at building new courts
in support, Andrea found there are 280+ USTA members in a 15 mile radius from his facility -
11:55 discuss changes in Local club leadership
Millennial Social and League: Social for players 18-39 at Holly Tree on June 3rd.
followed by a 4 week league on Sunday Afternoons.
Cascades will host the second social in December -
12:10 Social media presence is growing. Thanks for all your efforts Karen!!
recent post had 619 views -
12:17 Discuss our, NETX, tournament strategy in context with Hope Open and Holytree Davis Cup
When? July or October seem to be best months. Cobenificiary? Wounded Warriors? -
12:22 Research school field trips to upcoming pro event in Tyler. The RBC Challenge
Approve two informal actions: 1) insurance $565, 2) JTT prizes $350 and site director pay, $100
Table discussion on coordinator pay review
Next meeting will be June 18th at Meg's office.
12:30 Meeting adjourned.