Minutes March 4, 2018
Sun, Mar 04, 2018 12:00 AM
Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Minutes of Officers Meeting on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 11:30 am
(Modified: March 8, 2018)
Present were: Andrea B, Karen F, Laura G, Edward K, Deb M
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>
11:30 Meeting called to order, discussion of changes in tennis people in Tyler and free lessons given by Tyler P&R in summer
Standing Items:
Approved minutes from previous meeting
Treasurer's report and financial review <HL> Actuals through 2017 + budget
PR officer report: Karen contacted school coaches. Social numbers and interest increasing. Couple of email, Web address errors in last "Inside Tennis" magazine. Laura will follow-up.
League reviews: USTA adult & JTT <HL> Adult Stats and <HL> JTT Stats
Reviewed league participation. Discuss Mixed being a tournament instead of a league.
New 18-39 league will be a summer league this year. Next year in conjunction with 40+ leagues; perhaps on the more quiet evenings. Some facilities are 8 courts. Running leagues concurrently means fewer lines per league and other facility usage opportunities.
JTT everyone got a T-shirt. Other prizes for JTT. Dampeners, over grips, or gift certificates might be more appropriate prizes (than string)
Report from USTA TSR: (1) NETX received Capacity Grant. See new business below: 4.3. (2) Discussed Tennis on Campus. (3) Discussed partnering with Special Olympics, Senior Activity? for a tournament or other activity. Tournaments added to standing items. (4) Reminder that grants for Blended lines are free. Can be on pavement. (5) discussed Net Generation initiative and branding
New Business
1/25 Edward attended CTA Leadership Forum in Austin. <HL> See Alexandra's Notes Here
This page was recreated on 2/5/2018. (blank when I came to edit)
2/21 Approve unofficial action to get insurance for $565.
3/2 Email Alex: Capacity Grant is $2,850 <HL> Capacity Award Letter
Ending Items:
Next meeting is May 8th at Karen's office
12:45 Meeting Adjourned