Minutes April 9, 2024
Wed, Apr 10, 2024 12:00 AM
Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association minutes of Officers Meeting April 9, 2024
(Modified: April 10, 2024)
Present were: Clay H, Jill H, Mark H, Edward K, Melinda R, Melissa W
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>
- 6:00 Meeting called to order diner and conversation
Review agenda & plan meeting. <HL> USTA Texas CTA Toolkit
Approve minutes from previous meeting - JTT discussion: Fall team tennis for High Schools runs from August through semester
Middle schools do not have a formal fall program; JTT could fill the competition gap - 6:21 JTT is suppose to have the same feel as T-Ball or YMCA soccer: parent driven, can be co-ed, use appropriate size equipment and keep time frames appropriate for the kids - less than 2 hours.
- 6:36 Melissa working with Chris at several tournaments and will touch base with him regarding our free and discounted lessons initiatives.
- Katy Rogers USTA-TX CTA: resource for everything we do
- 6:47 Treasurer's report accepted as presented <HL> Actuals through 2022 + budget)
- League reviews: USTA adult & JTT <HL> Adult Stats and JTT Stats
Agreement that jackets for team captains are well received. Gary has info on pricing? - Clay and Jill agree to take officer positions.
- Old Business:
- Posters distributed
- 4/3 Poster and discussion with James Daly at Willow Brook re: leagues and free lessons
- 4/2 Closed Austin bank checking account and consolidated NETXCTA to account at Regions
- Approve all informal votes since last meeting like:
- 3/27 accept Comprehensive Grant of $7,900
- 2/6 $400 to Hope Open. they never asked for it. Edward to followup
- $2,700 to Chris at TJC. GTG program
- Hosting Sectionals: Nov 1-3rd 2024 55&Over Mixed. Bid forms for 2025-2027 Melissa will follow-up
- Trainings attended: 4/3 Edward and Mel CTA Coffee hour and 4/4 Tri-Section CTA Leadership.
<HL> USTA Statement of Guidance Pickleball and a short discussion about - 1/23 $6,788.96 donation from Tyler Tennis and Swim Board (final dissolve)
- other communication
- 2/4 First notice on CTA workshop in Austin March & - 8th Summits are biannual and worth attending
- 2/17 email Bobbie Cantu Adult Social Grant application open
- 3/11 TASC asks if we are going to support professional tournaments this year
- 3/12 Sectional bid forms available
- 7:10 3/15 Comprehensive Grant award: (<HL> MOU award letter)
Incentives for Leagues: $2,000, WTA ATP Kids attendance: $2,000, Discounted Lessons: $3,400 + bonus $500. Mellisa to follow-up with TASC and Chris at TJC - 7:16 Discuss NJTL National Junior Tennis Learning (started by Arthur Ashe)
- 7:22 "Off Record" discussion about Faulkner and other "home" courts - High Schools?
- Next meeting is 2nd week of July
- 7:31 Meeting Adjourned