NE Texas Coalition Ta - Minutes August 5, 2022

Minutes August 5, 2022

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Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Minutes of Meeting:  August 5, 2022  at noon
(Modified: (August 7, 2022)

​Present were: Brian F, Judy, H, Edward K, Deb M, Randy R, Melissa W
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>

  1. 12:00 Meeting called to order
  2. Approved minutes from previous meeting
  3. Approved Treasurer's report and financial review <HL> Actuals through 2021  + budget
  4. PR report: 
    1. sucessful fundraiser and social events to support TJC Ukraine tennis players. 
    2. Community engagement discussion and sharing of information: reach out to High Schools, Colleges and tennis community. Thanks Brian and Melissa ! 
  5. Community Engagement Coordinator: continue discussion on reaching out.
    1. attended USTA-TX training 
    2. Many schools were contacted and connected by Andrea in 2017. 
    3. Status of and encouragement for Tennis on Campus and other school programs
    4. East Texas Tennis Circuit established in 2007 and now has 22-25 tournaments through the summer allowing for local, low fee tennis tournaments and camps
    5. Deb and Brian mentioned possible resources for tennis clothing available to young players that Melissa may encounter
  6. 12:34 Adult Leagues report: Mixed Doubles league successes. Up coming leagues formats will be adjusted depending on entries. Judy very flexible and accomodating for different size leagues and the availability of courts. 
  7.  Nominations for board of directors approved by CTAs represented. Edward to contact candidates in order to bring the BOD to three active members. 
  8. 12:48 Further discussion of possible social events and/or tournaments to increase awareness and subsequent effectiveness of NE TX Coalition. Fast, one-day events with a HUGE social component.
    Perhaps get a permit to have drinks at Faulkner? Tyler Championship?  ..... ? 
  9. Discussion on leveraging off the Tyler WTA pro event 
    Tyler Christus Health Pro Tournament  (October 24 - 30, 2022 ) .
    How can we help? How can we benefit? Silent auction, supply ball kids ... How do we connect our aspiring athletes with these professional athletes?
  10. New Business
    1. 7/18 Comprehensive grant email offering additional $1,900 - accepting approved 8/5
    2. 6/16 Informal action to gift $500 to league team going to nationals approved 8/5
    3. 5/19 BOD informal action approves officer changes 
    4. 5/17 CTA Learning Series: Keeping It Fun <HL> Slide Deck Recording
    5. Approved informal action to change NETX official address to:
      327 W HOUSTON ST, TYLER, TX 75702-8032
    6. October Regional CTA Meeting, October 22, 9am - 3pm. Location to be announed.
      All NETX officers are encouraged to take spouse, spend Friday night of Oct 21 funded by the coaltion. (Food, Hotel, mileage...) 
    7. Thank you note from Ladies team to whom we gave nationals $ signed by the team
      Deb, Jaclyn, Katherin, Kimberly, Lisa, Penny, Sharon, Stacy, Suzanne  
  11. Next officers and coordinators meeting is scheduled for Dec 2. at noon. 
    In retrospect, we may want to meet in October to prepare for the WTA tournament and/or CTA regional meeting.
  12. 1:10 Meeting adjourned