NE Texas Coalition Ta - Minutes March 3, 2020

Minutes March 3, 2020

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Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Minutes of Officers Meeting March 3, 2020
(Modified: March 4, 2020)

Present were: Andrea B, Karen F, Laura G, Edward K, Deb M, Gary O, Meg R, Melody W
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>

  1. 11:30 Meeting called to order

  2. Review agenda & plan meeting

  3. Approve minutes from previous meeting

  4. Treasurer's report and financial review <HL> Actuals through 2019 + budget

  5. Discuss Faulkner Park. What are the plans? How can we best help?

  6. 11:50 Report from USTA TSR (trainings, happenings, ....

    1. Training for 40 PE teachers in the NE Texas Area on Feb 26th well received:
      Each school will receive an equipment package if they are associated with a Net Generation provider in their area.
      NETX will be the provider. Discussion about Net Generation, background checks and SafePlay training
      Laura will continue to follow-up with the teachers.
      (Equipment comes from China so it might not actually get to the schools until Fall 2020)

    2. Town Hall at Dallas Athletic on March 31 ,7-9pm for parents and coaches. Julio will present and answer questions about the Junior development: transitioning from Champs / Super Champs, our Sectional system to the new National Junior Development and Tournament system

    3. AAA regional will be in Tyler April 27-30th.

    4. Professional tournaments in the area growing. Two new Oracle Tournaments.
      Our RBC Challenge will have elevated status.

    5. October 24th CTA North Texas Meetup. Great if NETX could attend.

  7. League review: USTA adult: Discuss possible grievances and status of different leagues

  8. NETX Tournament Strategy: January League Kickoff. A free tournament or social event to get things going?

  9. PR officer report:

    1. Karen has calendar up to date. Edward will link to Karen's calendar

    2. Informal action approving training for Karen to attend a national "How to do Social Media for a non-profit" conference.

  10. New Business

    1. Email:

      1. Jan 17: Delia, Grant application received

      2. Jan 16: Todd, National Facilities

      3. Jan 15: Todd,  National CTA

      4. Feb 11: Delia, CTA Newsletter:

        1. CTA Quarterly Call with the USTA Texas Staff Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Time: 12:00 PM
          Join Google Hangout:
          Join by Phone: +1 234-720-0232‬ PIN: ‪483 754‬#
          <HL> RSVP LINK IS HERE

    2. Jan 17: Deb and Edward submit Capacity Bld Grant. (see minutes from last meeting for details)

    3. Approve informal action Hope Open Sponsor at Bronze , $1,000. 

      1. Cascades replaced our banner out of their own pockets (accidentally reallocated our original?)
        $250 allocated for new banner is still allocated to cover expenses at Cynthia, tournament committee discretion.

    4.  <HL> Friend at court is available as a PDF here   added "Friend at Court link under "Adult Leagues" heading
      Karen will also notify on social media that Friend at court is on the web. Hard copies were last given in 2016.

    5. 2/5 TCTA USTA registration approved & membership renewed. (In preparation for Faulkner project(s))

    6. 2/10 renew CTA insurance through USTA insurance program (programs, board, officers)

    7. Officers may assume they have at least $50 for any tournament where we can place our banner.
      Bananas and/or candy for a tournament are well received.

  11. Ending Items:

    1. Next meeting is May 12 at 11:30

    2. 12:38 Meeting Adjourned