Minutes October 5, 2015
Mon, Oct 05, 2015 12:00 AM
Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Meeting Minutes from October 5, 2015
(Modified: October 6, 2015, spelling 2017/8/30)
Present were: Andrea B, Daryl B, Edward K, Alex L,Meg R
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>
6:30 Meeting called to order followed by discussion, catch-up, and introductions
Standing Items:
Review agenda & plan meeting
6:50 Tennis Tip: UTAH-H: Unit Turn All Hands - High
Past Tips: TBT, LDIRS, BLUR, Push the car, Count steps, Slam the door -
Discussion of local CTA's. What would it take to get TCTA like Longview CTA
7:12 Approve minutes from previous meeting
7:13 Treasurer's report and financial review
7:18 League reviews: USTA adult & JTT <HL> Adult Stats and JTT Stats
Discussed participation and proposed changes for 2016.
No major calendar changes. -
Discussion on changing Adult league fees to $25. Agreement that $25 is a fair rate, a low rate for leagues in Texas, and would have no impact on league participation rates. Sounds good - no vote.
Motion carried to supply JTT team captains / moms with appreciation gifts (not to exceed $300)
Report from USTA YES (trainings, happenings, ....
7:30 18+ Mixed Doubles Texas Sectionals on Oct. 2-4, 2015 went great!
CDW Oct. 16-18, Hill Country Hyatt, San Antonio: Andrea will attend
Coaches & Pros Association - status, news...
1st Aces Youth Events - <HL> status news ...
Recruitment of and succession planning for officers and board
(let's establish timeline(s) for filling and replacing officer positions)-
Communications VP - rolls and responsibilities
Candidates for Adult League Coordinator Liaison
Candidates for JTT Coordinator Liaison
Old Business
Ike Anders has accepted the position of Youth Engagement Coordinator [YEC]
Salary set at $1,000 / month for 1 year. Oct. 15, 2015 - Oct 14, 2016
USTA-TX has approved his appointment and will help create a working agreement. Has met with Andrea already.
7:50 TCTA Annual Meeting
New Business
Mail Received:
8/26 Emails back and forth between Todd, Daryl and Edward re: YEC including 9/18 deadline for hiring and USTA-TX will reimburse YEC $500 for attending CDW.
10/1 Christina resigns in lieu of Meg joining the officers
Ending Items:
7:55 Next meeting is January 19 at Cascades for a dinner / snacks and Red Ball / Short Court fun time. This will be our 2015 Annual General Meeting.
8:05 Meeting Adjourned