NE Texas Coalition Ta - Minutes February 25, 2013

Minutes February 25, 2013

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Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Executive Officers Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2013 at 6:30pm
(modified February 26, 2013)

Short history

Present were: Daryl B., Ronnie B., James D., Carlos H., Edward K., Alex L., Glenda L., Robyn R.,  

Standard Procedures

(until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>, **Name indicates action item)

Robyn shared this spending plan with Taylor, grant administrator, who appreciated our planning

  1. 6:30 Meeting called to order. Welcome Alex and James and other guests; conversation, introductions

  2. 6:51 Review agenda & plan meeting

  3. Approve minutes from previous meeting with one change, NEXT > NETX

  4. Treasurer's report approved as given. Robyn reiterated opportunity to more toward more business like financial accounting, budgeting and reporting.

  5. 7:05 Short history of NETX, accomplishments to date and focus on youth and community tennis.

  6. 7:07 JTT Coordinator and plans

    1. James received no transition or training from Chris. ** Robyn will get him connected to Mike and Amada so he can establish the spring league and get teams signed up.

    2. 1st date, Feb. 9th, was canceled because of transition, James intends to make the March 16th date happen.

    3. James thought he could find courts for free and appreciated that NETX had allocated funds to pay for courts if need arises.

    4. James mentioned that <HL> is coming and will be the logical site for NETX to direct inquiries and seek information for JTT and Gran Prix

    5. 7:19 James said his 2nd priority, after getting the Spring League up and running was contacting as many likely team sponsors as he could. ** Edward will get contact information to James. James shared his contact information recorded here: 

    6. JTT marketing can come from JTT grant **Robyn will send important JTT dates

  7. 8:00 Officer Transition: James will update Texas Secretary of State info. (Sam is agent for NETX)

  8. 8:02 <HL>Parntership Grant projected expenses & Officers Retreat - who, what, when, where (2013 CDW is October 11-13 at the Lost Pines Hyatt in Bastrop)

  9. <HL>First Aces: TJC & UTT Exibition / PlayDay: April 16th - update:

  10. Hosting 55&over Sectionals:
    ** Edward will contact Tasha to get NETX more in the loop

  11. 8:18 Next email blast could include: Exhibition, <HL>2013 National Family Tennis Championships, solicit their news, Faulkner Rebuilding,Gran Prix, JTT
    ** Edward will work on a draft

  12. 8:22 Volunteers: care, feeding, support, policies, vetting? PPT from CDW
    **Edward will make 2 PPT presentations accessible from website

  13. 8:25 Grant Writing Webinar, Feb 6. Enrollment closed 2/4 8:00 before Edward could get there

  14. ** Edward will register for Fund Raising 101 for $25

    • 8:26 <HL> League Participation Data 2009 - 2013

    • 8:27 Officer's informal actions on 2/11:

      1. motion to approve James Daly as JTT carried 3-0 (2 abstaining)

      2. motion to spend $99 for 1 year of GrantStation access carried 3-1 (1 abstain).

    • Board informal action on 2/15-16 (4 yes, 3 abstain)

      1. accept Sam's resignation

      2. elect Alex LaRue as Treasurer

    •    Tournament for Red Cross (Edward met Kyle Koerner on 2012/12/12 (appears dead)

    • 8:37 R  evisit JTT

    • 8:38 Discussion of January leagues especially 55 & over that don't have sectionals until Nov.

    • 8:43 Questions about Longview TA free website. ** Robyn will verify Tracy has info he needs.

    • LTA - facility assistance grant could help with nets and equipment for High School courts. Robyn advised it's better if the facility applies for the facility grant.

    • next meeting China Buffet April 1, at 6:30pm

    • 8:57 meeting adjourned