NE Texas Coalition Ta - Minutes October 5, 2022

Minutes October 5, 2022

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Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Minutes of Annual General meeting and Officers' meeting: October 5, 2022  
(Modified: (October 6, 2022)

​Present were: Brian F, Judy, H, Edward K, Gary O, Randy R, Melissa W
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>

  1. Noon: Meeting called to order
  2. Motion passed to support Cascades Doubles Tournament: bananas, water... $300 
  3. Friends and team members of Melody donated $450 to NETX to honor Melody's tennis legacy.
    <HL> click here to see Image of donation sheet 
  4. Apparently it is easier to create a 501(C)(3) in this day and age. Motion passed to have Randy look at changing the status of NETX from C4 to C3
    Discussion about redundacy of TCTA if NETX can get 501(C)(3)
  5. Since we're branding as "Northeast Texas Community Tennis Association" Edward will look into the advisability of filing a DBA for the coalition to use this name. 
  6. 12:12 discussion about hosting Adult 65+ Sectionals on Nov 11-13. Andrea has it handled. 
  7. New Business
    1. Sep 27 Approve informal action authorizing Judy to rent courts as needed for event. 
    2. Sep 24 Approve informal action $1.800 on t-shirts
    3. Sep 15 CTA Quarterly call:  <HL> recording
    4. Sep 13 Las Colinas C Club Saturday, October 22 9am - 3:00 pm Regional CTA meeting. 
    5. Sep 6 Approve informal action approving new logo 
    6. Sep 5 Approve informal action to send flowers - Melody
    7. August 31 Officers meeting to discuss involvment in Tyler WTA event. see minutes here
    8. August 30 James Daly accepts position on BOD (Chris S., James D., Meg R.)
    9. August 22 Notified by USTA TX of Best in Texas Award - which we accepted
    10. August 12 meeting to discuss TASC relationship. Randy agrees to be point person. 
  8. 12:30 TCTA Annual Meeting 
  9. Tyler Christus Health Pro Tournament  (October 24 - 30, 2022 ) 
    Melissa or Randy will get list of names in beginner tennis classes so we know to whow we are giving our NETX promotional items
  10. Next meeting is TBA
  11. Meeting Adjourned at 12:55