2022 Comprehensive Grant Narrative
Thu, Jan 20, 2022 12:00 AM
Please provide basic information up front about how you plan to use the funds, and then submit proof throughout the year to qualify for future years.
$2500 Support WTA Tournament
$2500 Bring kids to WTA tournament kid's day – provide lunch
$500 Support Hope Open Tournament
$600 continue Board Insurance
$300 continue website hosting and registration (last year, migrating to playTennis)
$1,000 continue to provide incentives to League players mainly captains
$600 use social media and internet marketing to promote USTA-TEXAS / NETX brand
$500 partner with Tennis Directors to promote USTA leagues, diversity, millennial and other initiatives
$500 officer and board training, effectiveness, social media tools, personal effectiveness
$500 professional fees for expertise or training: legal, social media, non-profits
$500 promoting volunteer opportunities in NETX and member CTAs
$2,500 Intern to do CSC activities in our area, touch base with Schools and clubs
$1,500 Host and participate in events to “advertise” our USTA-TEXAS/Coalition brands
Simply put our strategy is to:
- build on our core asset: USTA leagues
- new revenue streams like: leverage off the Tyler WTA Challenger $80,000 event
- build the USTA-TEXAS / coalition brands so anyone with a tennis fire will know where to get more fuel.
In 2022 and beyond, NETX will increase participation in our tennis community by focusing on communication and bringing awareness of USTA-Texas and the Coalition to Northeast Texas. We plan to do this by:
- Using Social Media and traditional PR to promote USTA-TEXAS and the coalition
- successfully motivating and providing incentives to our core of volunteer officers and board members
- providing resources, training and incentives for our league coordinators, Board, officers and member CTAs, interested teachers and parents and anyone who is helping grow our game for a lifetime
- focusing on captains, coaches, Club Directors and other key players that help our leagues grow and encourage kids and adults to play and learn tennis
- promoting area tennis happenings like leagues, tournaments, Net Generation, club functions that encourage beginner and committed player to get and stay involved
- Promoting and increasing fundraising from our Tyler based $80,000 WTA Professional Tournament
- Getting additional resources to provide CSC like connection and continuity
We have received grants in the past:
- Capacity building grant: 2015=$1,700 2016=$800 2017=$750 2018=$2,850 2019=$2,850 2020=$2,450, 2021=$3,250
- Millennial grant 2017=$1,000
- JTT growth bonus 2017=$1,700
We support Diversity and Inclusion initiatives
NETX fuels everyone's tennis fire regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual identity, education or disability. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach providing access to tennis. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages.
To provide informed, authentic leadership for cultural equity, NETX strives to:
- See diversity, inclusion, and equity as connected to our mission
- Acknowledge and dismantle any inequities within our policies, systems, programs, and services
- Explore potential underlying, unquestioned assumptions that interfere with inclusiveness.
NETX abides by the following action items to help promote diversity and inclusion:
- Pursue cultural competency throughout our organization and encourage our partners to do the same
- Pool resources and expand offerings for underrepresented constituents by connecting with other organizations committed to diversity and inclusion efforts.
- Develop systems for and thinking about being more intentional and conscious of bias.
- Advocate for public and private-sector policy in our tennis community that promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity.
We develop partnerships with our area businesses, schools ...
Tyler Junior College
The Coalition and TJC go back for years working together to do kids events. We use the Tennis Program Participants and their tennis team for volunteers. TJC allows us to use their courts for free when we host sectionals and other CTA events.
University Texas – Tyler
Coalition has free access to volunteers and courts
Tyler ISD, Whitehouse ISD, Bullard ISD, Jacksonville ISD, Longview ISD
Over the years the coalition and it's member clubs have worked with the school districts in our areas to varying degrees. Longview CTA has a strong connection with their ISD.
We are aware of each other and available as opportunities arise.
Parks & Recreation Departments
The Coalition and Tyler CTA have an ongoing relationship with Tyler P&R and especially Faulkner Park. Faulkner has a Professional tennis team and proshop full-time. It's a beautiful park serving the public.
Tennis Clubs
The coalition works the local tennis clubs and their pros. We use their courts for our events. We have used their facilities for events like captains' meetings. Tyler has Faulkner and four private clubs: Cascades, Hollytree, Tyler Athletic and Willowbrook. The pros work well together. The coalition has made it known we will further cooperation and sharing of information and best practices. We have a vested interest in showing the pros how to leverage off USTA Leagues to grow our businesses. More work can be done together to have entry level social events, lessons, and opportunities that encourage new players of all ages. We are working to keep the USTA offerings competitive with new offerings like UTR tournaments.
Boys & Girls Clubs
Especially with the BGC in Tyler. We have hosted with TJC an annual play day for BGC Tyler. We have been in the facility to show how red ball can be played without “real” courts.
USPTA pros
We have pros on our staff. We compliment the USPTA tournament offerings. As the USTA-USPTA continues to cooperate, we will do so at the local level.
City/County officials
We work closely with the Tyler tourist group, SPORTyler especially when we are bringing a large event like sectionals to our area.
Detailed proposed uses for grant monies:
- $1,500 – to increase participation from area schools at fun days associated with and spectating at the WTA Challenger. Help fund additional schools to field trip to our tournament associated playdays and coalition provided lunch. Add new school activities like “Meet the Pro” assemblies.
- $1,000 - Continue sponsoring WTA Challenger at the Bronze, $2,500 level. (We budgeted - - $5,000 for this in $2019, $2,500 in 2020 and $5,000 in 2021)
We also sponsor the Hope Open for $500 - $1,000 (the last three years)
- $1,000 - support and encourage our JTT Coordinator, in his third year, with special attention to retaining his expertise and helping him promote understanding of the Junior structure and subsequent participation
- $500 - support Adult league player recognition and especially encourage “first time” players, providing incentive to recruiting these players and developing Lone Star teams.
- $500 – grow local junior tennis: support junior player recognition and especially encourage “first time” players, providing education and incentives to recruiting junior players both to local professionals and fellow junior players.
- $500 – create new and support existing volunteer recruitment and recognition efforts in an effort to involve more individuals in our CTA happenings.
- $500 – provide training and education opportunities for our officers and board members. Continue to make opportunities available to our other volunteer officers and board members.
- $500 - social media budget for our volunteer social media officer to continue increasing exposure and feedback from the NETX community by providing prizes or the like for participation in social media “likes” and responses and/or developing additional social media opportunities for the tennis community to connect, share, learn about and enjoy tennis and each other
- $300 - website registration, hosting, migration and enhancement. (Hopefully our last year of hosting as we migrate to the PlayTennis platform)
- $600 - CTA, Board and officers insurance through the USTA insurance program
- $600 - Professional fees for expertise or training: legal, social media, non-profit management and success
- ? $1,000 – offsite team building for Board and officers and spouses. Improve our team effectiveness and motivation.
- ? $0 - $2,500 – additional NETX CSC resources. NETX is the qualified CTA for almost one million people in 13 counties in North East Texas. We have nine population centers of 15,000 or more. Our area is 150 miles wide and 150 miles deep. CSCs are the backbone, hands, feet on the ground for USTA-TEXAS to promote and grow grassroots tennis. Mark is great. He is the CSC for half the metroplex. When was the last time a CSC was able to be in Athens, Henderson, Jacksonville, Longview, Lufkin, Marshall, Nacogdoches, Palestine, or Tyler? We, NETX, would happily contribute to the funding of additional CSC resources dedicated to our one million Texans.
Thank you for your consideration.
Edward Keyser – Secretary Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association, Inc. 501c4
- acting Chair Tyler Community Tennis Association, Inc (501c3)
Deb McKinley – chair person Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association, Inc.
For the board and officers