NE Texas Coalition Ta - Minutes September 9, 2019

Minutes September 9, 2019

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Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Minutes of Officers Meeting September 9, 2019
(Modified: Sept 13, 2019)

Present were: Andrea B, Laura G, Edward K, Deb M, David P, Meg R
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>

  1. 11:30 Meeting called to order

  2. Standing Items:

    1. Review agenda & plan meeting

    2. Approve minutes from previous meeting

    3. Treasurer's report and financial review <HL> Actuals through 2018 + budget

    4. PR officer report and reports from other officers

    5. League reviews: USTA adult & JTT <HL> Adult Stats and JTT Stats

      1. Adult - 55 mixed national is in Portland, sectional in Tyler, our playoffs Sept. 28-29th.

        1. 40+ league going to 1 line of singles and 3 lines of doubles

        2. 18+ you must now be 18 to sign up for league

        3. If rating is S or A you must play 3 times with 0 defaults. 4 matches to qualify for nationals

        4. Combo had 10 teams this year

      2. JTT is scheduled for fall (see JTT pages)

    6. Report from USTA TSR  (trainings, happenings, ....

      1. Had inservice for our area. Buddah and Camille attended and talked about same event as last year. (see#10)

    7. Hosting Sectionals plans: hosting 55&over Mixed Nov. 8-10

    8. Recruitment, succession planning, training, responsibilities: officers and board

    9. NETX Tournament Strategy: Superbowl Tournament in 2020?
      (some CTAs bring in more money with tournaments than leagues)
      Partner with: Special Olympics, Senior Activity....

    10. RBC Challenge  October 28th - November 3rd

      1. $2,500 - $5,000 to continue sponsoring event. up to $1,000 for kids day events

  3. New Business

    1. Growth Path for NE TX tennis 2019, 2020 and Beyond > Edward will attend Texas Tennis Summit for NETX

    2. May 13: CTA Support and Enhancement Call: <HL> 30 Min Audio  <HL> PDF process

    3. 11:50 discussion of initiative at Faulkner to add courts

  4. Ending Items:

    1. Next meeting is October 14.

    2. Meeting Adjourned at 12:00