NE Texas Coalition Ta - Minutes September 18, 2017

Minutes September 18, 2017

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Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Minutes of Officers Meeting on September 18, 2017
(Modified: September 19, 2017)


Present were: Andrea B, Daryl B, Edward K, Deb M, Meg R.
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>

  1. 11:30 Meeting called to order

  2. Vote to sponsor Tyler Pro Challenge at the $2,500 level <HL> Tournament Flyer

  3. 11:55 Review how often and how we get the word out. 
    A  very active player did not receive any notice or information from us on the Combo Tournament
    See item 6 below

  4. Minutes of last meeting approved

  5. Financial report approved as presented

  6. New Business

    1. 12:09 Approve informal action (email 5/15) to pay sectional fees

    2. Approve informal actions, (email 7/19), to compensate Will McDonald, NETX JTT Coordinator,  $50 / hr for sectional JTT calls and (2) buy him a laptop, printer and software for $1147.

    3. Edward reported to USTA Texas on activities facilitated by 2017 GTG Grant < HL> Grant Report

    4. Approved plan to move to new website and consolidate hosting and registration at WIX.
      Cost will be about $200. USTA-TX will reimburse NETX through the Partnership Grant for website expenses.

  7. Ending Items:

    1. Next meeting: our Annual General Meeting  is November 27 at 11:30 in Longview. Exact location to be announced.

    2. 12:18 Meeting Adjourned

  8. Discussion followed on how we can be a more effective organization.

    1. Continue our efforts to incentivize the captains, coaches, coordinators, pros and other league organizers

    2. Get people involved, sharing, and even more excited by using social media. 
      Establish and fill a social media officer position
      Facebook page is:    158 likes

  9. 12:35 Meeting really adjourned.