Minutes August 4, 2015
Tue, Aug 04, 2015 12:00 AM
Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Board and Officers August 24, 2015 meeting minutes
(Modified: August 25, 2015 spelling 2017-08-31)
Present were: Andrea B, Daryl B, Edward K, Alex L, Glenda L
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>
6:30 Meeting called to order followed by discussion and catch-up
6:50 Tennis tip: TBT, Toss Bend Tilt at same time, To Be Terrific
6:55 Minutes approved as presented
6:56 Financial report approved as presented. Discussion followed on several items including League Coordinator pay and succession planning
7:06 Review Adult league participation. Scheduling opportunities, Combo for example
JTT: Andrea working with James to increase participation and forecast big Fall JTT
7:12 Hosting Mixed Doubles Sectionals Oct. 2-4. Andrea usually manages a site and will assure NETX commitment to provide snacks, in the past bananas and peanuts.
7:15 review plans to attend Texas CDW. Hopefully some new officers can go
7:17 Youth Engagement Coordinator [YEC]: discuss position responsibilities. NETX wants the position to include opportunities like Fun Tournaments for ALL ages....
7:36 list, rank and decide contact method for candidates
7:50 discuss funding for YEC now and into future
7:55 Adult league bag tags well received. Thanks Andrea for making that happen!!
7:59 Discuss succession planning for officers. Generate list of people that might be interested in serving on NETX and decide who/how to approach them.
Mail and email received:
Aug 3: email Todd: call for Capacity Building Grant report and 2016 CBG application and health index update all due Nov. 1
Jul 31: email Todd: Young Engagement Specialist position awarded to NETX
Jul 9: email from Todd with feedback on draft grant proposal - Including
< HL> Invitation for Proposal to develop Local Outreach Coordinators
Next meeting is September 28th.
8:20 Meeting Adjourned