Minutes August 22, 2016
Mon, Aug 22, 2016 12:00 AM
Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Officers Meeting Minutes August 22, 2016 at 6:30pm
(Modified:August 24, 2016)
Present were: Ike A, Andrea B, Daryl B, Edward K, Deb M, Meg R
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>
6:30 Meeting called to order followed by discussion of volitile mixed season
Deb works with a supplier, Inphorm, that would like to donate some clothes. We will arrange for the donation to NETX and for the clothes to be distributed at team tennis.
Discussion on wider notice of meetings to include pros...
6:45 Discuss and revise the NETX local rules. Andrea will organize. Daryl will help with final draft.
7:30 Approve minutes from previous meeting
7:31 Treasurer's report and financial review <HL> Actuals through 2015/8
7:35 Tennis Tip: 45/35. In a competitive match 45% of all the shots are the serve. 35% of all shots are return of serve. Practice and play accordingly.
League reviews: USTA adult <HL> Adult Stats see #3
7:38 Report from NETX Youth Engagement Coordinator [YEC]
Had 6 more playdays in Lindale area
Looking to expand playdays to surrounding areas like Gilmer, Longview
Planning social for Longview Tennis Association
Hosting Sectional, Mixed 18 & over, Oct. 7-9, 2016
7:55 JTT: Will McDonald nominated and elected as new JTT coordinator.
Other New Business
Comments on Quarterly Conf call with Van Berry <HL> Edward's notes
Comments on Quarterly Conf call between NETX and Todd <HL> Todd's notes
Local club developments: TTS courts by next summer, contact with Drysdale re club in Longview, Pinecrest C.C. looking at expansion
Ending Items:
Next meeting is the annual general meeting on October 10, 2016
8:15 Meeting Adjourned