NE Texas Coalition Ta - Minutes June 9, 2014

Minutes June 9, 2014

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Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Officers Meeting proposed agenda
June 9, 2014 at 6:30pm
Meeting postponed morning of 12th due to several people unable to make meeting
China King Restaurant in Tyler opposite the mall
(Modified: Jun 15, 2014)

Present were: Jonathan B, Daryl B, Jason H, Edward K, Christina N, Robyn R, Chris S
(until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>)

  1. 6:30 Meeting called to order

  2. >Review agenda & plan meeting

  3. 6:45 Approve minutes from previous meeting with one modification

  4. Treasurer's report approved as presented

  5. League reviews: USTA adult

    1. Fall leagues are USPTA. A couple of years ago TCD tried to organize fall leagues but ws not successful. TCD has 5,000 competitors.

    2. 6:55 discussion of social or day leagues.

    3. 18 & over leagues ran smoothly with better weather

    4. ** get numbers for <HL> adult leagues for comparison

  6. JTT League Review

    1. JTT section 18&U advanced next weekend, Chris taking a team

    2. JTT coordinator has no guidelines or requirements to post information in a timely way. Information like Team Sheets, Score Sheets and Schedules. ** NETX needs to have local CTA JTT guidelines in lieu of guidelines from JTT-TEXAS.

    3. 7:09 Discussion of alternative or complimenting format to encourage youth leagues in fall among schools and to complement U.I.L. team tennis already happening.

    4. <HL> Hot Shots is a bridge from Kids' Clubs to JTT. Robyn emphasized it is still in pilot.

    5. 7:18 Jacksonville had 1st district championship for middle school this spring. Jonathan, and Isaac Anders (HS Coach Longview) were unaware about JTT spring (or summer) programs. ** obviously we need to get the word out better. We all agree that in the High Schools alone there are a number of kids playing tennis that are looking for a competitive outlet not yet filled (by Future Stars, ZAT, Champs, Super Champs)

  7. 7:36 Discussion of NETX Coaches and Pros Association. Jonathan remembers days of old coaches having a joint play&teach day that motivated him as a youth and now sees advantages in getting coaches and teachers together to facilitate communication and area activities. NETX is interested in helping with this initiation as a way of supporting anyone involved in youth tennis.

  8. 7:43 Summer camps seem a great time to spread the word about Fall JTT. ** Daryl will get <HL> flyer he prepared and make it available for customization and dissemination.

  9. BGCET going strong. St. Pauls to start in fall. ** what about Longview BGC.

  10. Robyn will be doing a teachers training in Whitehouse (see: 11.4 bleow). She is hoping to get Bullard teachers invited and excited.

  11. In lieu of Texas CDW, community development workshop, Ft.Worth is sponsoring a one day event on October 18th

  12. Mail received:

    1. 6/4 Email Todd: USTA Texas volunteer applications in August.  Those accepted will have a 2 year term (2015 – 2016) with their committees

    2. 5/29 email youth tennis <HL> Hot Shots program announced. Incentives...

    3. 5/29 Next 10U training on June 15 at Greenhill. 9-12:30

    4. 5/21 Email: Robyn. Whitehouse hosting PE teachers workshop on 8/20 9-noon in Whitehouse open to all teachers.

    5. 5/21 Email on process to bid for Ad/Sr/SS Major Zones, Sectionals, Adult 200 point tournaments, and the Adult Masters. Bids are due July 15th

    6. 5/22,4,5 Email: Robyn coordinating St. Pauls Methodist to get them going

    7. 5/5 Email Robyn working with teacher in Longview. Review and what to do

    8. 5/5 Email CTA Update. Next webinar on June 4th, 12 - 1pm

    9. 4/22 April Newsletter. <HL> tracking results

    10. 4/21 CTA update with links. Many added to <HL> recents and  CTA Links

    11. 4/14 Email BGCET order for 36 red balls and 7 each 19", 21",23" racquets

    12. 4/11 Email to Edward:<HL>  Health Index feedback from USTA-TEXAS

    13. 4/11 Email: Oncourt / Offcourt offering 20% grassroots discount, 15th year

    14. 4/9 Email Robyn sending Glass an Invoice for rec membership


  13. Next meeting July 28th

  14. 8:00  Meeting Adjourned