NE Texas Coalition Ta - Minutes October 14, 2019

Minutes October 14, 2019

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Northeast Texas Coalition Tennis Association
Minutes of Annual General and Officers Meeting Oct 14, 2019
(Modified: Oct 14, 2019)

Present were: Andrea B, Karen F, Edward K, Deb M, Meg R
*until you click them, the hot links are hard to see so look for <HL>

  1. 11:30 Meeting called to order

  2. Approved minutes from previous Annual meeting

  3. Treasurer's report accepted as presented

  4. PR officer reported NETX is silver sponsor for RBC Challenge. Discussion over sponsorship perks and responsibilities

  5. Adult leagues will have a captains meeting on January 7. Location and details TBD

  6. Hosting Sectionals on track:  55&over Mixed Nov. 8-10

  7. Discussion on recruitment and succession planning for NETX Officers

  8. RBC Challenge  October 28th - November 3rd Andrea taking key role on coordinating for NETX playday to be held on October 29th. Main responsibility with Laura and Buddha. NETX will provide lunches, water, and volunteers

  9. Growth Path for NETX tennis 2019, 2020 and Beyond (support USTA-TX CTA initiative <HL> PDF process document)

  10. Board for 2020 will remain the same. Officers will be Deb, Edward-secretary, Alex-treasurer, Karen-PR and Meg-past pres. with additions as recruitment continues this fall.

  11. TCTA Annual General Meeting: NETX will advise TCTA if needed.

  12. Edward represented NETX at Texas Tennis Summit. USTA National is playing catch-up with technology. New systems will allow expanded capabilities in practically every area. Roll-outs to begin this fall.

  13. Next meeting is January 7 at 6:00 pm. Place TBD

  14. Meeting Adjourned