Rockingham County Tennis Association We are a USTA Community Tennis Association and National Junior Tennis & Learning Chapter
Lifestyle Fitness & Tennis offers tennis programming on two indoor courts in Madison. Follow them on Facebook at for more details.
Tennis Excellence Program founded by Chuck and Mariana Faint meets on Tuesdays from 6-7:30pm for free adult and youth tennis play at Jaycee Park in Reidsville. Contact Michelle Witt at for more information.
Pat's Tennis Aces from Greensboro offers youth and adult programming at Lifesyles Fitness & Tennis and Deep Springs Country Club. Contact Pat at for more information.
Eden Family YMCA offers tennis instruction with Bitrus Istifanus on their clay courts in Eden. Contact Coach B at (336)6239636 or the Eden Family YMCA at (336) 623-8496 for more information
Rockingham County Tennis Association
Rockingham County Tennis Association (RC Tennis), a 501c3 non-profit corporation, is a USTA Community Tennis Association. We are an organized group of dedicated volunteers and professionals who promote the growth of tennis in Rockingham County, NC including the cities of Eden, Madison, Mayodan, Reidsville, Stoneville and Wentworth. As a member of the National Junior Tennis & Learning Network, we connect tennis and education to change lives of our Rockingham County youth. We are led by a volunteer Board of Directors.

Follow us on Facebook at tennis