Foothills Tennis Association - Combo registration open

Combo registration open

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Register your combo team between now and June 18.

An initial roster of at least six players (with correct combination of ratings) must be in by June 18 to be includd in the schedule. Larger flights may start in July, with other groups starting in August or September.

Days of play are as follows:

18 and over
5.5 and 7.5 teams: Monday night
6.5 teams: Tuesday night
8.5 teams: Sunday afternoon

40 and over 
5.5 and 7.5 teams: Wednesdaynight
6.5 teams: Thursday night
8.5 teams: Saturday

55 and older
These teams will create independent schedules with coodinator Shay.

Reminder: Championship dates are in late October/early November depending on your age group. Refer to for actual dates and locations of championship play.