Central New York Tennis Association - 2021 CNYTA Tournament

2021 CNYTA Tournament

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The entry form can be downloaded here.


Tournament Information

Dates:         September 10-12, 2021

Events:       Mens & Womens Singles

                        Doubles and Mixed Doubles

                        *OPEN and NTRP

                         (Juniors are eligible)

Where:     Sedgwick Farm Tennis Club

Red clay outdoor other divisions

RAIN BACKUP: Indoor backup hard courts at 

Elevate Fitness Clubs and   Drumlins Tennis Clubs 


FEE:               Singles $50.00 Adult Open

                        $35.00 per Adult NTRP

                        One Singles event per person


                        Doubles $25.00 per person

                        Two doubles events per person

                          Only—Gender or MixedSs.

Awards:    Winners and Finalist

                       Gifts for all players!

$300 Men’s Singles Champion

$200/Team Doubles Champions

$300 Women’s Singles Champion

$200/Team Doubles Champions

Minimum of 4 players per singles event in the draw (less than 10 players prorates prize money).  Minimum four doubles teams, less than four prorates prize money.



(Open Only)


Deadline:  Tuesday, September 7, 2021

                         6 pm

Check Event(s)        *OPEN                                                                   NTRP

Mens Singles:          *open(  )                                  4.5(  ) 4.0(  )  3.5(  )  3.0(  )   


Mens Doubles:         *open(  )                                    4.5(  )  4.0(  )  3.5(  )  3.5(  )


Womens Singles:     *open(  )                                  4.5(  ) 4.0(  )  3.5(  )  3.0(  )  2.5(  )


Womens Doubles:   *open(  )                                   4.5(  ) 4.0(  ) 3.5(  )  3.0(  ) 2.5(  )


Mixed Doubles:         NONE                                      A[9.0](  )   B[8.0](  )   C[7.0](  )   D[6.0](  )


COSTS:  ¨  Adult Singles  open $50/person       ¨Adult Singles  NTRP $35/person


                  ¨  All Doubles $50/Team                      

 *sanctioned (USTA membership required)…… and other divisions non-sanctioned





Amount Enclosed $__________________          I cannot play but here is my donation $________________________


Starting:       Call for start times(315)425-8135


               after noon on Thursday, Sept.9th

               or on-line via Tennislink

               “Al Romeo Tournament”

               (non-sanctioned  NTRP )

              “ $1K CNYTA Tournament”

                              (sanctioned Open)


*Open adult tournament is sanctioned by the USTA.  You must be a member to participate.


HOURS OF         Must be available Friday after

PLAY:                  6PM through Sunday 5PM     

                              List any scheduling conflicts

                              on entry form.


RULES:               USTA rules including point

                              penalty system will be in effect.

                              A 7 point tiebreaker will be used

                              after 6 games each in all sets

                              and a 10 point tiebreaker in lieu

                              of a third set.  Tournament             

                              committee has final decision on

                              the division of all players.



DIRECTORS:     Steve Pekich

                              Sam Corso


In Memory of Al Romeo


For decades, Al Romeo was a guiding force for the game of tennis in Central New York. His legacy is the thousands of tennis players who were introduced to it by this genial gentleman. Throughout his career, he provided programs for young players, clinics for teachers and introduced the sport of tennis to many elementary schools throughout the Central New York area.