Sat, Oct 26, 2024 12:00 AM

In spite of the gusty winds on a beautiful fall Saturday, participants of the Bucks County Tennis Association’s public park tennis programs ably vied for gold and silver medals in a team competition that enabled them to test their tennis skills against their peers in Yellow, Green, and Red Ball divisions. The event was held at Council Rock North High School tennis courts and included plenty of player support by family and friends.
The BCTA organizes two Team Tennis Challenges each year to give its public park tennis athletes a chance to experience competition in an informal, fun format. Athletes are divided into two teams, Northern and Southern Bucks, and compete to combine their individual points with their respective teammates to arrive at a total team match score. For many players, this was their first time entering a competitive event. Fore more event photos, visit the BCTA on Facebook.
The Yellow Ball division was very competitive as the team lead bounced back and forth. At the end of the 90-minute round-robin match play, the Northern Bucks team bested the Southern Bucks team, 114–103 points, for the gold medal.
Team Northern Bucks—Gold Medalists
Aiden Pastermaster
Anastasia Korshun
Asher Schmidt
Brad Schmidt
Collene Check
Daria Zhukova
Davith Som
Dracen Som
Francis Pierce
Grace Byrne
James Gavin
Jen Gavin
Keira Calista
Marissa Berical
Sarah Olguin
Team Southern Bucks—Silver Medalists
Alan Miller
Chris Louie
Emily Ferris
Jailan Elsarha
Jefferson Louro
Jillian Smith
Julian Corbin
Kate Kartavseva
Leah Jiorle
Lucas Wambold
Michael Dimino
Nunzio DeMarchis
Sofia Corbin
Thomas Cronin
Vincent Malizia
In the Green Ball division, competitors were involved in long rallies, and many players implemented savvy strategy. After a bonus-point team game, the Southern Bucks Blue Coats team, edged out the Eagles team by 233–230 points.
“What a fabulous end to our 2024 outdoor season!” BCTA Coach Steve Johnson exclaimed. “The courts were filled with smiles, sportsmanship, and great play. The sheer number and range of ages was a testament to how impactful BCTA is in the Bucks community.”
Team Blue Coats—Southern Bucks—Gold Medalists
Aarya Patel
Cailin Stamate
Christian Santamaria
Cooper Kelso
James Amatucci
Michael Stanca
Nora Hammett
Shane Baranski
Trevor Malizia
William McGettigan
Team Eagles—Northern Bucks—Silver Medalists
Addie Baab
Anna Shorr
Cheyanne Derstine
Lucas Munn
Nicholas Bonvino
Rohit Apte
Sophia Hinkle
Violet Friemann
Vivian Bender
The Red Ball division is played on modified 36-foot courts, and the competition definitely illustrated the young players’ ability to keep a rally going. A bonus-point team game of “Tennis Sandwich” resulted in the Riddling Rallyers taking the gold medal from the Crosscourt Warriors by a score of 257–240 points. BCTA Coach Tim Donney noted, “It was a terrific day for tennis!”
Team Riddling Rallyers—Southern Bucks—Gold Medalists
Adhruth Arvindhakshan
Andrew Qiu
Ari Peymani
Eric Abrahamyan
Kaden Bernstein
Team Crosscourt Warriors—Northern Bucks—Silver Medalists
Aevin Blankenship
Carson Kim
Ella Koshy
Kayla Schickling
Madison Robinson
Riya Bhagat
BCTA Coaches Steve Johnson, Tim Donney, Barbara Carlin, Susan Gordon, and Mike Dickey kept the ball rolling on all the courts and encouraged players with helpful tennis tips. A huge thank you to all the parents and family members who supported the players, and especially to the parent/family volunteers who helped on-court with scorekeeping. Also, thanks to USTA Middle States for providing all the sportsmanship awards.