Bucks County Tennis Association,Inc - BCTA Serving Up Youth Leadership

BCTA Serving Up Youth Leadership

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The Bucks County Tennis Association, Inc. (BCTA) is thrilled to see its mission being reached and even surpassed. The nonprofit provides affordable, fun programs at public parks throughout Bucks County, and is making tennis—considered by researchers as the healthiest of all sports/fitness activities—available to all in Bucks County.

BCTA’s programming has resulted in more tennis players joining their school/college teams and commercial clubs; local courts being refurbished at little or no cost to municipalities/taxpayers; and teens developing as leaders by volunteering with the BCTA, and then some becoming paid coaches.

“While we are pleased to grow the game of tennis within the county, we are most rewarded by seeing BCTA participants play on their school teams, and especially, participating in our Joseph J. Canfield Leadership Development Program,” said BCTA President, Barbara Long. The program is named in memory of Canfield, a community volunteer and youth leadership advocate.

Since 2014, dozens of volunteer youths have participated in the Leadership Program at three commitment levels, from the Star Level 1 of a few volunteer hours to the Grand Slam Level 3 for multi-seasons and the ability to qualify for paid positions. 

The prestigious Grand Slam graduates of the Joseph J. Canfield Leadership Program include: Kaitlyn O’Connor (Centennial—Philadelphia Area Tennis District Scholarship Recipient), Claire Tierney (Central Bucks), Katie Benson (Neshaminy), Emily Johannan (Central Bucks— Philadelphia Area Tennis District Scholarship Recipient), Addie King (Central Bucks), Sara Kimball (Central Bucks), Jill Hohmann (Central Bucks), Alex Johnson (Council Rock), and Olivia Ferki (Council Rock), Dave Leno (Council Rock), and Drew Batten (Central Bucks). 

As part of Bucks County hosting the 2022 National Public Parks Tennis Championships, Grand Slam achievers were asked to share their BCTA Leadership experience. Their comments and current undertakings will be featured on BCTA’s Facebook site starting in April 2023.  


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